Where I Stand
Put simply, fiscal conservation means using the people’s money wisely. I promise to be a faithful steward in the spending of our money.
I will not vote for any tax increases, special assessments or incurring debt.
I promise to press the commisison to put the issue before the voters before incurring debt, levying assessments or creating taxing units for town projects
I promise to press for the prioritization of maintenance of the infrastructure we currently have. We need to preserve our resources before new projects are undertaken.
I promise to be a watchdog and monitor that all projects are competitively bid.
I promise to press for a cost benefit analysis of all projects in order that the Commission and Public are aware of all costs vs the public benefit.
We enjoy an intelligent electorate and when given all the available facts, they will arrive at the right decisions.
I will advocate for reconstitution and utilization of the Code Enforcement Board
I will insist on the use of the Town Planning Board as outlined in the Town Charter.
I will encourage the use of workshops to foster citizen input.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and the people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." James Madison
I will promote greater transparency from the commission by insisting that the citizens and commission review grant applications before they are filed and resuming the policy of requiring public discussion prior to approval.
I will promote and encourage citizen input through:
the timely availability of information to citizens
the use of polls, comprehensive surveys and referendums.
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